Saturday, January 1, 2011

We Start The New Year With A Bang And End With A Whimper

We started our new year out right by going fishing.  They say that what you do on the first day of the year sets the tone of the whole year.  They also say you should eat lentils on New Years Day to ensure wealth in the new year.  I hate lentils.  The fishing didn't go that well either.  The marine forecast called for 10 to 15 knot winds (about 11 to 17 mph), seas 3 to 6 feet, waters choppy 50% chance of showers and thunderstorms.  

This is not a run out and go fishing forecast.  This is a stay home and watch home improvement shows.  But.  The tide was forecast to be a foot and a half below low mean.  That means;  good fishing!  Frankly, I can find any reason to fish in any weather.  We planned to go no further than the first bend, right where I caught boatloads of fish on Christmas Eve.  Alas, it was not to be.  First, the 10 to 15kt wind turned out to be 15 to 20kts with 30kt gusts (35mph).  We're talking gale force gusts here.  The boat was whipping back and forth across the river on the anchor rode and the boat was shivering in some of the gusts.   
 We tried what we always try;  we ate.    
Oh, we caught a small Redfish or two, a tiny Sheepshead.  
We invoked the goddess of chocolate.  Nothing.  Except, the wind picked up.  We remarked on the fact that the sky was a beautiful blue.  
Instant Mackerel Sky (in weather terms, BAD weather coming!)  It got dark.  A few stray raindrops.  No fish.  We motored back to the dock, cleaned the boat and, just as we drove away, the bottom dropped out and it began to thunder and storm.  Happy New Year.

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